IVF Grants
Our second annual JEM Grant application is now available! The deadline to apply is October 1, 2020. This means you must have the application to our office ON or before October 1. Please see application for specific details on submitting your application.
The amount for this grant is $5,000 and can be used for IVF/FET only. Grant money will be available for 12 months and will not cover past treatment. The grant money will be sent directly to the fertility clinic. The grant can be used toward IVF treatment at any clinic that is a member of the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART). Grants can be applied to donor egg treatment and surrogacy as it relates to IVF/FET, if medically necessary. Grants can be used for any in-house treatment within the clinic, and cannot be applied toward medications from a pharmacy. If all grant money is not utilized, the remaining will not be given to the recipient. If the recipient no longer needs the grant, they must notify JEM Infertility Foundation as soon as possible.
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Eligibility and Requirements
This is a basic review of eligibility and requirements. Please see full application above for further details. For questions please contact us at info@jemfoundation.org.
In order to be considered for a JEM grant, applicants must:
Be a citizen of the United States.
Have an infertility diagnosis.
Unable to personally fund IVF treatment. Proof of income is required via W2’s and tax returns.
Use the funds within 12 months or grant is not valid. Grant money will NOT cover past treatment, medications, or other medical procedures. The grant will ONLY be applied to the IVF/FET procedure.
Be willing to share your story and picture on JEM’s website and social media accounts. A media release will need to be signed and returned with application. JEM also asks grant recipient to keep us up to date on treatment and outcome.
Applicants will need to prove their health is in overall good condition via the application’s medical form. Their doctor will also need to include past treatments and a timeline on when IVF will occur. An authorization for medical release form will need to be signed, allowing JEM permission to receive information on your health care as it relates to infertility.
Couples will be required to write a personal statement on why they should be chosen for the grant (trying to conceive history and financial circumstances should be included, as well as how the rest of their IVF treatment will be funded, as JEM grants will likely not cover the entire cost).
Couples also need to be able to provide proof of insurance.